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Manakeesh vs. Pizza: Which One Should You Choose?


Few dishes can rival the universal appeal of manakeesh and pizza. And that happens when it comes to beloved creations that have captured the hearts and taste buds of people worldwide. These two iconic delights have become culinary ambassadors of their respective cultures. Representing the rich heritage and culinary traditions of the Middle East and Italy. Manakeesh has long been a staple in the Levant region. Pizza has achieved global fame and is savored in countless variations around the world. It can be written with different ways, manakish, manakeesh, manaeesh, mankoushe, but all of them are arabic manakish. Enjoy manakish with our signature at the best family restaurant in Sharjah, Arabian Fish House. In this article, we embark on journey to explore the key characteristics, flavors, and cultural significance of manakish and pizza. As we delve into the age-old debate of which one reigns supreme.

How Manakeesh was created for the first time?

Originating from the vibrant streets of Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Palestine, manakish holds a special place in the hearts of those who have had the pleasure of savoring its flavorful goodness. This traditional Levantine dish is a flatbread topped with a variety of delectable ingredients such as za’atar (a blend of herbs and spices), cheese, minced meat, and vegetables. The dough is lovingly prepared, rolled out, and baked to perfection in a hot oven, resulting in a crispy yet chewy base that serves as a canvas for the aromatic toppings. Manakish is not just a dish; it is a cultural institution, often enjoyed at breakfast or as a quick snack throughout the day, accompanied by a cup of tea or freshly squeezed juice.

And how was the pizza made for the first time?

On the other hand, pizza, born in the bustling streets of Naples, Italy, has secured its place in the global culinary landscape as one of the most beloved and widely consumed foods.

  • The classic Neapolitan pizza boasts a thin, crispy crust topped with a harmonious combination of

tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, and fresh basil leaves. However, the beauty of pizza lies in its versatility, as it has inspired countless regional and international variations, catering to diverse palates and preferences. From the deep-dish Chicago-style pizza to the thin-crust New York-style slice, became a canvas for culinary creativity, allowing for endless topping possibilities and flavor combinations. Pizza ingredients and toppings differ from country to other.

  • The origins of pizza can be traced back to ancient time. Although the first true pizza as we know it

today was likely made in Naples, Italy.

Cultural Significance

  • Manakish: In the Levant region, manakish holds immense cultural significance. It is deeply

ingrained in the daily lives of the people. It is often enjoyed as a communal meal, bringing families and friends together. Manakish is not only a source of sustenance but also a representation of Middle Eastern culinary traditions and heritage. You can eat manakish Sharjah at the best breakfast restaurant in Sharjah Arabian Fish House.

  • Pizza: Pizza has transcended its Italian roots to become a global symbol of convenience and

indulgence. It has become synonymous with gatherings, celebrations, and casual dining. Pizzerias and pizza delivery services have proliferated worldwide, solidifying its status as an iconic fast-food option.

The beginning of the Fillings:

Fillings used in manakish were influenced by the agricultural produce, herbs, and spices that were abundant in the region. The Lebanese breakfast meal “Manakish” gained popularity as a staple food, particularly in villages and towns where communal ovens were used for baking. It was a practical and delicious way to nourish communities, and the aroma of freshly baked manakish would permeate the streets. Creating a sense of warmth and togetherness.

Similarities between both Manakeesh and pizza:
  • While manakish and pizza share similarities in their basic structure a doughy base topped with

flavorful ingredients they also exhibit distinct characteristics that set them apart. Lebanese breakfast manakish offers a unique blend of Middle Eastern spices, herbs, and ingredients. Infusing each bite with a distinct Levantine flavor profile. Enjoy best manakish in Sharjah at Arabian Fish House. Eat manakish labneh zaatar, cheese zaatar, and cheese manakish.

  • Pizza showcases diversity of global cuisine, with toppings ranging from traditional margherita to

unconventional combinations like pineapple. The debate between manakish and pizza is not just about taste; it encompasses cultural pride, tradition, and personal preference. We will explore the rich history, cultural significance, and mouthwatering flavors of manakish and pizza. Shedding light on the factors that make them beloved culinary treasures. We will embark on this flavorsome adventure to settle the age-old question: manakish or pizza?

Dough and Preparation
  • Manakish: The dough of manakish is typically made from a combination of flour, water, yeast, salt,

and olive oil. It is often rolled out into a thin round shape, resembling a small pizza. Enjoy it at best breakfast places in Sharjah Arabian Fish House. The dough is then topped with various ingredients such as za’atar. Za’atar (a mixture of dried herbs and spices). Have your manakish cheese, Labneh Manakish, manakish zaatar, and meat manakish at – breakfast restaurants. Manakish are arabic breakfast dishes. Find them at al hira restaurant one of the good restaurants in Sharjah. And other toppings like cheese, minced meat, or vegetables before being baked in a hot oven.

  • Pizza: Pizza dough is made from wheat flour, water, yeast, salt, and olive oil. The dough is usually

stretched or rolled into a round shape and topped with ingredients like tomato sauce, cheese, vegetables, and an array of meats. Baked in a high-temperature oven.

Toppings and Flavors of each one:
  • Manakish: One of the defining characteristics of manakish is the extensive use of za’atar as a topping. Find it at breakfast places in Sharjah.
  • Za’atar is a fragrant blend of dried thyme, sesame seeds, sumac, and salt. Other popular

manakish toppings include akkawi cheese, labneh (strained yogurt), tomatoes, olives, and minced meat. The flavors are often earthy, aromatic, and herbaceous.

Manakeesh is one of the Best Breakfast Dishes.

  • Pizza: Pizza offers a wide range of toppings and flavors, varying from region to region. Classic pizza varieties include Margherita. It is topped with tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, and fresh basil leaves. Not only that, but also pepperoni, adorned with tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, and spicy pepperoni slices. Other toppings can include mushrooms, peppers, onions, olives, ham, and pineapple. The flavors can range from tangy and savory to sweet and savory. Pizza cannot be a breakfast option, but manakish is best option in levantine cuisine and breakfast Sharjah. Pizza is not a levantine breakfast.

Choose between foods:

Manakish can be enjoyed at any time of the day, making it a versatile choice for a variety of meals. It can be served as a hearty breakfast, a quick and satisfying lunch or even a light dinner. Its adaptability is suitable for different nutritional situations and diets.

  • Portability: Fresh manakish is highly portable, making it a convenient choice for on-the-go meals or snacks. It can be easily rolled or folded, making it the perfect choice for lunches, picnics or a quick snack on busy days.
  • Pairing options: Fresh manakish can be combined with various toppings, which adds to its versatility. It can be served with traditional side dishes such as labneh (strained yogurt), pickled cucumbers or fresh vegetables. And even in sandwiches or wraps to add texture and flavor.

Adaptability to dietary restrictions:

Fresh manakish can easily be modified to meet specific dietary requirements. For example, gluten-free or vegan versions can be made with alternative flours or plant-based ingredients. We make sure more people can enjoy this delicious food. In conclusion, the versatility of fresh manakish is its ability to adapt to different fillings. Its suitability for different meals, portability, compatibility with different toppings and adaptability to dietary restrictions. These features make it a versatile and satisfying choice for people looking for a versatile and delicious culinary experience.

How to add Manakeesh to your diet plan:

 Adding manakish to our diet can be a delicious and enjoyable way to add different ingredients and nutrients to our meals. Here are some considerations to keep in mind when adding one of the mana breakfast foods to your diet:

  • Moderation: While manakish can be a delicious addition to your diet, it is important to use it in moderation. Because manakish is usually made with bread, it can be higher in calories, carbohydrates, and fat. Paying attention to portions can help maintain a balanced diet.
  • Whole grain options: This can increase fiber content and provide longer lasting energy.
  • Toppings and toppings: Choose a variety of toppings and toppings to add flavor and nutritional value. Consider fresh vegetables, herbs, lean proteins like grilled chicken or fish, and lighter cheese options.
Balance the feeding rate of the manak:

Pairing the Levantine breakfast Manakish with a fresh salad or vegetables helps to balance the meal and add nutrients. This can contribute to a varied and nutritious diet. Making manakishi at home gives you control over ingredients and portions. Making healthier choices, such as using whole grain flour, reducing the amount of oil, or choosing low-fat cheese options. Manakish can be part of a varied and enjoyable diet. By varying the toppings and toppings, you can explore different flavor combinations and keep your meals interesting. Remember, it is important to keep manakish as part of a complete, balanced diet that includes a variety of foods from different food groups. Moderation, portion control and conscious eating practices are key to maintaining a healthy and enjoyable relationship with food.

Making Manakish:

Contains several key techniques that contribute to its unique texture and flavor. Here are some important points to consider when discussing manakish-making techniques:

  • Making the dough: Manakishi dough is usually made from a mixture of flour, water, yeast, salt and sometimes olive oil. The ingredients are mixed and kneaded until a smooth and elastic dough is formed. The dough is then allowed to rise, which activates the yeast and creates air pockets for a lighter texture.  • Forming and stretching: After the dough has risen, it is divided into smaller portions and formed into individual sheets. Traditionally, the dough is stretched by hand using a technique where it is gently pulled and stretched from the center. To the edges, creating a thin and even round shape. Alternatively, a roller tip can be used to achieve the desired thickness.
Serving Styles and Consumption
  • Manakish: Arabian Breakfast Manakish is typically served as a whole round bread, which is then

cut into slices or wedges for sharing. It is often enjoyed for breakfast, rolled and filled with ingredients like za’atar, cheese, or vegetables. Manakish is Arabic breakfast Sharjah and can also be enjoyed as a main course or as a snack throughout the day. And also, it is best breakfast Sharjah and you can find it at hira restaurant enjoying best breakfast in Sharjah.

  • Pizza: Pizza is traditionally served as a whole pie, which is cut into triangular slices. It is

commonly consumed as a main course or as a takeaway food. Pizza has also adapted to various serving styles, including deep-dish, thin-crust, and stuffed crust, catering to different tastes and preferences. Pizza cannot be breakfast in Sharjah.


Our choices of Manakish at Arabian Fish House:

Enjoy our various options of Manakish at Arabian Fish House, the best seafood restaurant in Sharjah. And enjoy it at Al hira restaurant. You can enjoy pieces of manakish with meat, chicken and enjoy them with cheese also. Feeta cheese manakish with zaa’tar and vegetables, or akawi cheese, and also egg with cheese manakish. You can have labneh with zaa’tar or with vegetables. Manakish muhammara or muhammara with cheese. Manakish with a touch of arabian culture like falafel and spinach. Sweetened manakish like Nabulsi cheese with Rose gam, or cream with honey. Find all of these options at the best breakfast places in Sharjah Arabian Fish House. Manakish holds a significant place in Arabian culture, particularly in countries like Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Palestine. It is a beloved traditional dish enjoyed for breakfast, lunch, or dinner.


Manakish restaurant offer Lebanese manakish with lots of options. For example, manakish meat, manakish labneh, zaatar manakish, and they are at hira restaurant. All in all, both manakish and pizza share a common foundation of bread topped with various ingredients. Their differences in origin, dough, toppings, flavors, cultural significance, and serving styles set them apart. Exploring the diverse world of culinary traditions allows us to appreciate the rich tapestry of global gastronomy, where both manakish and pizza shine as unique and beloved creations.